2000s |
Acid Tongue, Jenny Lewis
American V: A Hundred Highways, Johnny Cash
Cassadaga, Bright Eyes
Clouddead, Clouddead
Dear Heather, Leonard Cohen
Demon Days, Gorillaz
Elephant, The White Stripes
The Good, The Bad & The Queen, The Good, The Bad & The Queen
In Rainbows, Radiohead
It’s a Wonderful Life, Sparklehorse
Kid A, Radiohead
Merriweather Post Pavilion, Animal Collective
Release the Stars, Rufus Wainwright
Roomsound, Califone
Scissor Sisters, Scissor Sisters
Stumble Into Grace, Emmylou Harris
Sumday, Grandaddy
We Are All Alone in This Together, Graham Lindsey
Yellow House, Grizzly Bear
Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, The Flaming Lips |
iPod. iPhone. Iraq. 9/11. Box Cutters. Hanging Chads. Florida. Supreme Court. Anthrax. Bush. Mission Accomplished. War on Terror. What I Didn’t Find in Africa. Valerie Plame-Wilson. Civil Liberties. Gay Marriage. Farrah. Michael Jackson. Neverland. Abu Ghraib. Gitmo. Torture. Patriot Act. Patriotism. Potter Mania. Wardrobe Malfunction. Censorship. Right Wing. Morality. Church Scandals. Vatican. Halliburton. Cheney. Rumsfeld. CEOs. Lay. Skilling. Enron. Unemployment. Foreclosures. Outsourced. Tsunami. Global Warming. Global Recession. Bailout. Homeland Security. Katrina. FEMA. Brownie. Hillary. Health Care. Hybrids. Sustainability. Stem Cells. Steroids. Meth. Antivirals. Bird Flu. H1N1. West Nile. SARS. MRSA. PDA. DVD. TIVO. CD-R. Y2K. HDTV. Reality TV. DIRECTV. Wii. XM. Sirius. Howard. Google. YouTube. Facebook. Wikipedia. Netflix. Throttling. Texting. Craigslist. Space Shuttle Columbia. Virginia Tech. Fort Hood. Moscow Theater. Bhutto. Beijing. Phelps. Barack. Hope. |